
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Favorite Time of the Year

I love the couple of weeks of fall that Utah gets. I love watching the leaves change color. I love feeling the temperature lower. My husband laughs at me when I watch the news just so I can see how cold it will get the next day. It makes me smile. He laughs at me and bundles up. My poor Southern boy is cold blooded.

We've almost been married two years. They weren't lying: time flies when you are having fun. I love being with my best friend. We are pretty perfect for each other. I wouldn't change anything about our life. (Ok, that was a lie. I'd add a kid or two. That will happen when it is time, and since it isn't time, I'm as happy as can be.) We are celebrating two years by driving the entire day. Yay! Ok, so unlike life, it isn't about the journey. It is all about the destination. I am headed back to the South to eat BBQ. A lot of BBQ. I can't wait to tell you about the places we stop and the weight I plan on gaining. Delightful.

That isn't for a couple of weeks, so I needed something to keep my mind busy until then. Lucky for me, it is time for case lot sales. I hate to admit it, but I've spent the last couple of hours preparing for grocery shopping. No, I'm not using coupons. That scares me. I just study ads. You'd be surprised at the subtle differences in prices. I feel like this is a part of my job as a homemaker. I get to plan menus to feed my family. I feel good about my efforts when I save money and build up my food storage for a rainy day. (Or to eat right before we move again... Haha!) This week is filled win shopping trips that could take hours. I am so excited. Not kidding. My husband may not be as excited. I don't think he has ever been with me shopping at a case lot sale. How fun for him this time!

My tips for case lot sales come from eating food storage and liking to grocery shop.

1. Buy stuff you will use. Buy things you like and will eat. If you are unsure, just buy one can as a sample. I recommend doing that early in the week of case lot in case you like them. That way, you can buy more at a great price.

2. Check prices. Ads might tell you certain products are on sale, even if they are only a couple of cents cheaper. Grocery stores are trying to make money and will do that during case lot sales since we all equate those words with cheap prices. Just be aware of regular prices. I try really hard to keep track of sales prices for most of the items I buy. This helps me determine how good deals are and how much of certain products I should buy at certain price points. Is there a rehab program for grocery shopping addicts? I should look into that.

3. If grocery shopping panics you, go late at night or early in the day. Less people usually means less stress and less waiting around in lines.

4. One way I keep grocery shopping fun is remembering that this is one way I can serve my family. That makes it less like an item on my to do list and more like a way to help others. Perspective changes everything.

Those are my words of wisdom for today. My final thought is to remember to watch LDS General Conference this weekend. It will be amazing, trust me. Yes, I'll tell you all about my favorite talks next week sometime.

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