
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Variety Tuesday: 10 Things to Smile About in February

I like the idea of finishing the month off remembering the best parts. I think it makes the beginning of this next month even better. So, for today's post, I want to look back on my 10 favorite moments from February.

1. The best part of February was getting to eat at Thai Chili in Gilbert, AZ for Valentine's Day. We drove most of the day so I went to dinner in pajama pants, a t-shirt, flip flops, and a hat. I love that my husband likes when I am comfy. (Yes, I wear real clothes sometimes, but some days it is nice to not worry about putting makeup on and fixing my hair. Haha - who am I kidding? That's most days.) The food was better than I remembered. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

2. Seeing the Gilbert temple comes in second. I remember going to the groundbreaking early one Saturday a couple of years ago. To see the BEAUTIFUL finished product was breathtaking. It is a great reminder that families can be together forever.

3. I hadn't been back in the Phoenix area since my last day of culinary school. I left from my last class to start the drive back to Utah. It was so nice to drive around with Joe and show him my favorite places. The important ones like where I lived and worked. My favorite Jack in the Box, Long John Silvers, and Blue Wasabi. I am sure he loved seeing all my favorite restaurants. It took some time convincing him I lived there because the only things I know about the Phoenix area are where to eat. Oh, and he got to see my favorite palm trees and my favorite type of cactus. Lucky guy. It made me smile.

4. The moment the last chocolate dipped strawberry was carefully placed in the box for our YW fundraiser. It was such a great fundraiser, but I had been stressing over it for weeks! I was so grateful that our YW leaders and girls did so much work that night. We had 474 dipped strawberries boxed and ready to be delivered in less than an hour and a half. They were rock stars. Now we don't have to worry about paying for girl's camp and I don't have to dip another strawberry in chocolate unless I want to.

5. Knowing that the St. Louis Cardinals are all in Florida for spring training. I mean, of course I wish they were in Utah training, but as long as they are training somewhere it means that baseball season is on its way!

6. We got the announcement months ago that our community was getting Google Fiber. It has finally made its way into our neighborhood and we should be hooked up with crazy fast internet by the end of the month. SO excited. With this change comes a change in our TV provider. We are getting DirecTV and will have access to MLB TV. (See number 4. My neighbors are the only ones who will hear from me on the nights the Cardinals play. I like cheering for my team. Sorry, neighbors.)

7. Ok, this one is one that makes me laugh more than smile. Church was cancelled on Sunday after we'd been there for just over an hour. Someone clogged a toilet and it was flooding the bathroom. Rough day. The only other times I've had church cancelled was for blizzard-worthy snow.

8. Another one of my favorites from this month hasn't happened yet. I am getting my hair done on Thursday. I love getting my hair colored and cut. I never decide the color or cut. I leave it up to the professionals. It is so relaxing and I love the change! I can't wait to see what happens this time!

9. Getting to relax. I got a cold at the same time that the Kraken came for a visit. I slept more the last couple of weeks than I did anything else. I am super grateful I have that option.

10. I wish I could put watching the Olympics on here, but I really got sick of it. I think the best part of the Olympics was the interview after figure skating finally ended. Ashley Wagner makes me laugh so hard. Gracie Gold seems so conceited. I loved watching the two interact. It was probably the best part of the Olympics this year.

Bring on March. I am so ready!


  1. Yea! So glad you played along. I will add your link to the linky on my site so others can see your post too :) So jealous of you Google Fiber, that is going to be so fast. I used to live in Arizona, I wish I would have made the drive for the open house, I have heard it is amazing. I color my hair too, it is to get rid of the grays though so I have to do it a lot so I just do it from home, my husband actually dyes its for me.
    That is pretty nasty why church got canceled and that would definitely be a first for me. Thanks again for playing along!

    1. I am so impressed that your husband dyes your hair! I think mine would prefer I go gray to him having to color it for me.

  2. 474 chocolate covered strawberries makes you my current hero. WOW! And I am with you on the Olympics. I felt bad that I was the only one on facebook not posting how much they loved it. Boring . . . Fun list!

    1. I wish I could take credit for the strawberries. I just oversaw the organization. I only dipped one to teach everyone what we were going to do. I'm glad you agreed about the Olympics. Rough year for them.
