
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Food Storage Game

I store food. In fact, each time I go to the grocery store, I buy more than I need so I can increase my food storage. A little at a time. It can and will be used in case of emergency. (Including, but not limited to, natural disasters, loss of job, food shortages, and to help others dealing with difficulties.) It isn't just about storing food. It is about being prepared. Naturally, this means that we are also to be prepared with anything else our family might need (water, extra money, medicine, clorox wipes or other cleaning items, etc). This is something my church leaders have encouraged for YEARS. It is more than a brilliant idea: it is inspired. To learn more, please go here and read up. It is fascinating and can make a huge difference in your family's life.

Well, now my food storage is taking up my pantry, most of another closet, and there is a case of canned goods in yet another storage area. It isn't really a lot, but there are only two of us so far. I have plans for a massive pantry and cold storage area in my dream house. (Ok, so the cold storage room is mostly so I have a place to hang out in the summer and not sweat. There. I admitted it. Happy?)

Okay, now for the point of telling you all of this. We are moving in a couple of months. I vaguely remember helping my sister move. She has four kids and food storage to feed them all for months. That was a lot of boxes. Since my food storage is less than half the size of hers,  and I live up a flight of stairs, I decided to eat through our food storage in the next couple of months instead of moving it to our next house. Once we are settled, I will start rebuilding it. Until then, we are making our way through a lot of non-perishables and frozen goods. 

This game started on Monday, and I have already learned so much! First, I want more variety in my food storage. If you plan on about 3 meals a day, you will get sick of something pretty quick. Second, make sure you are only buying things you like! I already knew that, but it is definitely something to mention here. I am learning that I need to be a bit more creative with what I make out of a bunch of canned goods. I'm still working on this one. 

I wanted to be using our food storage how we would if we were dealing with an emergency, without relying on the grocery store. I haven't been to the grocery store for a proper shop in almost a month.(At first because we were going out of town and now because I want to see how long I can go.) The good news is my freezer is full of meat and veggies so not everything is coming out of a can or a box.   

I will definitely be grateful for a garden someday so I can learn to can my own food and always have fresh ingredients in the summer and fall. Until then, I will keep frequenting stores that have case lot sales. I will try to post some interesting food storage recipes. Most likely, I will continue telling you about culinary school, my random thoughts, and anything else I come up with while we eat normal, no hassle meals. Wish me luck!

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