
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 2013 LDS General Conference

I have a confession. I wake up every morning excited to post on this blog. I made a list of things I want to talk about. It took about twenty minutes and I filled a page. I can easily add to that list, so I am pretty excited about the future of this blog.

I know I already mentioned this, but since it is so close I want to talk about General Conference. First of all, it happens every six months. Every April and October, members of the LDS church spend two days listening to the Prophet, Apostles, and other members of the church who have been assigned to speak. We have 5 two-hour sessions. The first session is on Saturday morning at 10:00 AM MDT. The second session is at 2:00 PM MDT. The third session is the Priesthood session. It is Saturday night at 6:00 PM MDT and is for males 12 years of age and older. The next two sessions are on Sunday. They are at 10:00 AM MDT and 2:00 MDT. It is broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click here to read cool stuff about conference. Like how many languages it gets translated into and how many people tune in.

Now that you know the basics, let me make it personal. I love listening to conference. The underlying message of every talk is finding happiness through Jesus Christ. The speakers talk about faith, hope, and becoming more like our Savior. Every message is different and each gives me something to think about and work on. Most talks move me to tears and all of them strengthen my testimony of Jesus Christ, His mission, and love for me as an individual. Speakers are prayerfully chosen and each have months to ponder and pray for guidance on what they should say.

That leads me to preparing for conference. I usually take a couple of weeks to think about questions I want answered during conference. I think about areas of my life that I could use specific direction or enlightenment. Then I pray and read scriptures that relate to my questions and concerns. Then I pray some more. Finally, I take notes during conference talks about things the speakers say that touch my heart and things I feel the Spirit whispering to me. I can testify that when I prepare for conference, I get my prayers answered. Every time. It is incredible. Don't believe me? Try it.

Priesthood session is inspired. I am so grateful that my husband, dad, brothers-in-law, and grandpa attend this special session. It is two hours worth of counsel to become better men, priesthood holders, husbands, and fathers. The speakers are always more direct in this meeting. They talk bluntly about the specific problems men and families are facing and the responsibilities of men to lead their family righteously. I love reading these talks after they are given. I feel it helps prepare me to teach and guide my future sons.

One thing that is usually under appreciated at conference is the music. The choirs change: sometimes we hear from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, other times it has been a youth or primary choir, sometimes they bring the missionaries from the Provo Missionary Training Center. The music is always well planned and prepared for. It is beautiful. I love hearing the testimony of others through music. I always have. In fact, listening to primary songs when I was a kid helped build my testimony of Jesus Christ. Confession number two: I sing at home when the congregation is invited to sing in the conference center. Loudly.

I can't talk about conference without mentioning President Thomas S. Monson. He is the current prophet. He is a great man. He is usually the last speaker in the Sunday morning session. He communicates to members of the Church the will of God. This is such a great blessing. Don't get me wrong. I love reading the scriptures and learning about the teachings of the prophets of old. I am just grateful to know that Jesus Christ is leading His church today the same way He did when He was on the Earth. He instructs our prophet, who, in turn, instructs us. There are things Jesus Christ wants us to know. There are things He wants us to do. This weekend is just another opportunity to learn those things.

After conference is over, we can watch or read all of the talks online here. My husband and I watch one every week for Family Home Evening. I like to read them on my own for further inspiration. I plan on posting my thoughts about some of my favorites. There you go: something to look forward to!

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