(Your response should be something like "Hi, Kylee.")
I love reading blogs. It all started with people I knew (No, they didn't know I was reading their posts. Yes, I know that could be weird.) and then it expanded from there. I read food blogs, crafting blogs, inspirational blogs, etc. I still remember the day I found out about Google Reader. It saved me so much time. I cried a little when Google Reader committed suicide. I replaced it with Feedly and we have a love/hate relationship.
That's not the point of my post today though. I don't have a private blog for a reason. I don't want to limit my readers to those who want to give me their email address. I do, however, want you to feel like you know a little about me when you read my blog. Today is all about answering questions that will help you feel like we are friends. I would have let you choose the questions, but I am running out of time for today's post. Solution? Post any question you want answered in the comments, and I will use another Tuesday to answer them all.
Today's questions came from a list of 100 questions narrowed down to 15 by my husband. These are the ones he thought were the most interesting. Let's see! (I promise I didn't read any of these beforehand or influence him at all.)
1. What is your biggest fear and/or worry? I have an irrational fear of snakes. If I see them (even in a picture), I dream about them. If I dream about them, I end up waking my husband up and making him calm me down. I don't know why I am scared of them. I've never had a bad experience with one. They just look scary. I worry most about not doing a good enough job. I think most women do.
2. If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive? One gift? Why just one? Does this person hate me? Ha! Just kidding. I would want a vacation. Those are my favorite presents. I am not a big collector of "things" (except kitchen stuff, and I am just about out of room... I have to be super picky now.) so now the best presents are memories. (Awww...)
3. If you could have any special magic, what would it be? Oh, how I would want to fly. Think about it: vacations without the TSA going through my stuff and then sitting in a tiny seat for endless hours. Wonderful.
4. If you could become anyone's friend that you want, who would you choose? This question is so funny! When I read about strangers in blogs, I tell my husband that they would be my friends in "real life." (One of the reasons I wanted to do this. I want you people to think you would be my friend in "real life.") Jennifer Garner and Kristen Chenoweth are the celebrities I am sure would be my friends. They just seem so nice. I really hope that isn't just an act.
5. If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go? Again, just one? I have a list of about 15 restaurants you would have to visit. Happy to take you to all of them. Seriously. If we are talking about non-restaurant places, I would want to take someone to Squaw Peak. It is a gorgeous drive, and then you get to see the entire valley. It's so pretty!
6. If you could move anywhere, where would you go and why? This will come as a surprise to a lot of people, but if I could move anywhere, it would probably be Gilbert, AZ. Yes, I know it is hot. Remember the delicious 15 restaurants in Provo? There are 50 in Gilbert. At least. Plus I would get to swim 10 months out of the year. Finally an exercise I could get behind, and I would have such a nice tan!
7. What is the greatest crisis we face as a world? Ohhh... This is good question. I am not good at narrowing things down to one. Have you noticed? I am going to give you two. You will just have to deal with it.
The first one would be the attack on traditional families. If you look up tradition, you will see that it is an inherited way of thinking or acting. We inherited traditional families from God. He doesn't get things wrong. Men are to preside, protect, and provide for their families. Women are to nurture their families. That's all I am going to say about that one.
The next one would be that people rely too heavily on the government to do things for them. I could rant on this one for a while, but instead I want to paint a picture of how it could be. People start relying on themselves for providing for their families and making decisions that affect their family. (That means actually taking responsibility for the children you bring into the world and not feeling like you "deserve" to be handed everything in life.) Neighbors and families end up helping each other pick up the slack. As a safety net, churches would step in to help. Yes, it is possible (and better) to do things without the government holding our hands 24/7.
8. What is going on today in the world that affects you the most? The instability of our economy - do you notice the prices jump every day while the value of the dollar is nonexistent? I would tell you that it was because the government felt the need to be involved in another aspect of our lives, but you already know that. I am scared of when it all comes unravelling and people end up in a panic because of it.
9. What is your favorite thing to eat? I love fried potatoes. I could win eating contests with french fries and homemade chips. You'd be impressed. I like them plain or with fry sauce (ketchup and mayonnaise mixed - thanks, Utah) or with mayonnaise.
10. If you had to pick one hero, who would it be? There are so many people I look up to. I won't write them all down since I am sure you will hear about them on my blog at some point or another. So I will catch you off guard and tell you that a hero is the principal male character in a story and I already picked the hero for my story. Joe. He's awesome. I'll show you one reason why on Thursday. Stay tuned.
11. If you could study anything you wanted in school, what would you want to learn more about? I went to school twice and studied something I thought would be useful and then studied something I liked. If I went back again, I've always said it would be for massage therapy. (That was the list of degrees I thought would be best to convince someone to marry me. haha - wish I was kidding...) I would like to know more about massage therapy so I could give massages that lasted longer than about a minute and actually did some good.
12. If you could become a character in a TV show or movie, who would you chose to be? I would want to be a character in Pitch Perfect. The music is so fun, and I would want to hang out with Rebel Wilson. She would probably make me laugh a lot.
13. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it? I love Thanksgiving, and I celebrate it by focusing on my gratitude and eating more than any individual should. Again, you would be impressed. I've got some killer eating skills.
14. What is the one thing that makes you laugh the hardest? Myself. I'm a funny person.
15. Do you know how you got your name? I know that my name was supposed to be Shantell. My parents loved that name. I don't remember now why they picked Kylee instead, but I love my name. They did a good job.
Did you know my answers before you read them? If not, I'm glad you know me a little better. Don't forget to ask questions in the comments if I left anything out! Come back tomorrow for a recipe make over that will change everything.
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