
Monday, February 17, 2014

Friday 5: Valentine's Day

I know it isn't Friday. I also know that I missed my first blog post and it made me a little sad. I was out of town, didn't have a computer or a charger for my phone. (They got left at home on accident.) So I didn't have a way to share with you my list of 5 things for Friday. I wrote my list on Friday though, so it still counts. 

I decided to pick 5 of the reasons I love my husband and share them with you. (This was harder than I thought. Maybe we make it Friday 50 next year. Yeah, I just like him that much.) These aren't in any special order. 

1. He sees the value of me being a homemaker before we've been blessed with children. He works really hard so I can stay at home. 

2. He treats me like a queen all of the time. (He still brings groceries up the stairs for me, opens my door, kisses my hand, listens to me, and brings me Tuesday presents.) 

3. He takes his callings seriously. I want to break them down and talk about them for a second. I want to have these written down so our grandkids can look back someday and know how important this aspect of life was to Joe. 1: Priesthood holder. He takes this very seriously as he presides over our home. Mondays very rarely pass without family home evening. He makes sure that we pray often and read the scriptures every day. Any disagreements or misunderstandings are talked through and fixed right away so the Spirit can always dwell in our home. 2: Home teacher. He loves the families he visits each month. He offers babysitting (and has actually done it) for couples to go on dates or go to the temple. He sends messages to them at random and offers assistance when it snows or knows they have special needs. He really becomes their friend. I love that. 3: Mission leader. I love how he looks at this calling. It's an opportunity to share the love of Christ with those in our ward. He is great at getting things organized and is even better about making things about people and not numbers.

4. He makes me laugh every day. We drove over 22 hours this last weekend and didn't listen to the radio. We talked and laughed the whole time. It was great. 

5. He reads my blog posts every day. It's not something he would normally read, but does so to show his support. He encourages me to be myself and catches my mistakes. What a good guy.

Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day. I got to go to my favorite Thai restaurant. It was perfect. 

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