
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Variety Tuesday: Road Trip Fun

We drove over 22 hours last weekend. Normally, we have a book on CD to listen to or we put music or talk radio on to pass the time. It's usually a good system because it keeps the driver awake and makes the time pass by pretty quickly. Well, we changed it up this time. We listened to about 45 minutes of talk radio just as we started our journey. That was it. The rest of the time we talked and laughed and played car games. (Remember those? The games your mom would make up just as you started fighting with your sibling. You would fight her efforts to keep peace in the confinement of the car for as long as you could and then you would give in because you wanted to win the game. At least that is how I remember them...)

Anyway, we drove home on Sunday and I wanted to make sure it was as holy as possible. My game idea was to take the letters of the alphabet and name things for which we were thankful. (Imagine a mix between "I'm going to the moon..." {minus the repetitive nature of the game} and the moments just before Thanksgiving dinner.) It was a great way to pass the time and made it a peaceful drive home. I want to do the same thing for today's post because today hasn't been easy and one of the best ways to combat the Kraken is to force feed it a list of blessings.

(Don't worry, I am thankful for enough things that I won't just repeat the list we made while driving. No, I am not going to elaborate on these. Just take them at face value. Also, I typed out the alphabet before starting my list. When I was little, I learned the alphabet backwards - long story - and I still struggle typing it out correctly. My mind wants to reverse it all. Just thought you would like to know.)

I am thankful for...

A - Atonement of Jesus Christ
B - Baseball
C - Cars
D - Desserts
E - Elisabeth
F - Family
G - Gospel of Jesus Christ
H - Home
I - Internet
J - Joe
K - Knowledge
L - Love
M - Music
N - Night
O - October (Fall, anniversary, and world series)
P - Priesthood
Q - Quiet
R - Rain - sound and smell
S - Stars
T - Temple marriage
U - Unknown (it's not easy, but it helps my faith grow)
V - Voice
W - Words with Friends
X - Examples (it's my game, and it counts...)
Y - Yesterday
Z - Zite

Try it. Put some thought into it - this took me longer than I will admit.

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