
Thursday, February 13, 2014


I want to talk to you about today. I have been stressed for weeks about a fundraiser I am in charge of. We are making chocolate covered strawberries to help the girls in my ward attend camp this summer. The number of orders doubled from what we expected. We're dipping 450 strawberries... tomorrow. I haven't made this many chocolate dipped strawberries ever. Plus I couldn't do all the shopping or preparing until today, and I can't do most of the work until tomorrow. I fall asleep every night and wake up every morning worrying about the chocolate seizing or blooming. I worry about the decorations falling off the chocolate. I worry about the tempering of the chocolate. I worry about the number of people who will show up tomorrow to help. I worry about having enough strawberries/chocolate/decorations. I worry about anything I could possibly worry about. Pretty sure I get that from my mom. Thanks, Nom.

Can I share with you how I am keeping my sanity? My husband is speaking in Mesa on Saturday, so we are leaving early Friday morning for this super exciting road trip. I have a list of places I want to show him and another list of places I want to eat. We definitely won't hit them all, but as we all know, I am willing to get sick trying. Weird, I know. Worth it? Almost always. Back to my sanity, when I have been stressed out the most, my husband tells me he has three words that will make life better. Ar-i-zona. Haha! I know those aren't three words, pretty sure he does too, but it makes me laugh every time. I would go crazy without him. He's keeping me sane.

So my cooking the past week as I worry has been simple. Spaghetti (twice). Peanut butter sandwiches. Bear Creek Soup (from a mix). Chili (from a can). I actually cooked one thing I haven't showed you yet and remembered 3/4 of the way through that I should have been taking pictures. (I will make it again, don't worry.) Tonight, we got street tacos. It's just been one of those weeks. Please tell me you understand.

Truth be told, I was super excited to tell you about a new healthy snack you can make at home. I made it last night and the texture was terrible. So I decided that while I was preparing everything for my fundraiser I would try again. So in my tiny kitchen, I made colored sugar in pink and red. (Yes, after I made it, I realized I could have taken pictures. Don't rub it in.) I made Duo crumbs. (Duos are Western Family's Oreo. They are way better.) And I made a second batch of baked chickpeas. Epic fail times two. I like the flavor, but if you bake them as long as all of the recipes I found say, they are half mushy and half crunchy. If you leave them in longer, they are dry and gross. So, instead of sharing the pictures with you and pretending like they are good, I am going to take a pass on today. I've been so good about blogging every weekday that I didn't want to miss a day, so please find some humor in my stress. I will laugh about it on Friday. Promise.

I will take a picture of the strawberry and chocolate mess I am probably going to make tomorrow. Wish me luck. I am going to need it.

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